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Pistachio and nuts give life another value

  • Post category:Health

Walnuts and almonds are a very good food not only for the heart and brain, but for the entire body. Although the nutritional values ​​of these fruits have been proven in particular, their health benefits are now scientifically recognized.


The green color of pistachios distinguishes them from other dried fruits. Like all other dried fruits, pistachios have their own nutritional values. If you follow a programmed food regimen, you can use pistachios as a "Heart Meal" to keep hunger under control. The good thing is that pistachios become part of your eating routine by benefiting a lot from them. Currently, America is the leader in the production of pistachios, where sales are constantly increasing, while export reserves have doubled over the last 6 years from 45 million kilograms to 127. With only 3 to 4 calories per grain, pistachios have become popular due to the lowest amount of calories among other fruits of this type. Numerous studies have found that if you consume pistachios, you will consume less food in general. Pistachios contain more potassium than other fruits of trees with peels, which can reduce the level of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Improve heart function: Recent studies have shown that consuming strawberries every day prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Strawberries are also very good for people suffering from hypertension, they regulate blood pressure levels.

Contains healthy fats. Pistachios contain very healthy fats. 50 sticks contain about 160 calories, which means that if consumed in moderation, they will not make you fat. They contain protein. Sticks are rich in plant protein and are an excellent source of protein for vegetarians.

They have a lot of nutritional value.

Pistachios contain large amounts of iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin B6. If you consume pistachios every day, you would provide your body with about 30 vitamins and minerals.

The miracle of pine needles for health: Pine needles are rich in iron. Pine needles are rich in iron. The body uses iron for many essential processes such as regulating the central nervous system and blood circulation. The copper that is naturally present in pine needles helps the body absorb iron.

Slow down the aging process. Another added value of pine needles is the fact that they can slow down the aging process. This is achieved thanks to the high content of antioxidants that protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. The latter are molecules that are produced when the body breaks down food or when we are exposed to pollution such as dust or cigarette smoke. Pine needles also contain copper that prevents aging.

Eye health: Pine needles contain lutein, which helps the eyes filter UV rays and prevent damage to the retina and vision in general. Our vision deteriorates as we age, and lutein is very important for the eyes. Pine needles also have beta carotene, which our body converts into vitamin A, which in itself is very good for overall eye health.

They give energy. Pine needles are great for giving us energy. They are rich in proteins that our bodies use to repair damaged tissues. The needles, in turn, help us stay energetic for longer. The magnesium in pine needles improves oxygen utilization to burn calories and boost energy levels.


Walnuts have a long history of thousands of years and were the food of kings in ancient Persia. They contain significant amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, are rich in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and antioxidants such as vitamin E. Researchers are more convinced than ever about the benefits and nutritional values ​​of walnuts. About 90% of the phenols are found in its shell. The form of vitamin E found in walnuts is rare and very nutritious. Walnuts provide extremely high levels of vitamin E in the form of gamma-tocopherol. Especially for cardiovascular health in men, this form of vitamin E protects them from heart problems. Three different studies confirm that eating dried fruits, and especially walnuts, improves overall health and reduces the risk of heart or cardiovascular diseases. Walnuts are a very good food for the heart, brain and the whole body. Although the nutritional values ​​of walnuts in particular have been scientifically proven, their health benefits are also known. Walnuts are a well-known natural food for excellent brain function. Walnuts can be cultivated very easily and do not require any special care. The shape of the walnut kernel resembles the human brain in appearance. The human brain is composed of about 60% fatty structures, so the brain also needs Omega 3 fat, which helps the brain function properly and keep it fluid and flexible.

They contain vitamins and minerals. Walnuts contain a high amount of vitamin B6, lots of folate and thiamine. Walnuts also contain significant amounts of vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

They fight cholesterol. Coronary heart disease is associated with high cholesterol levels. Walnuts, thanks to the presence of omega-3 acids, reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

Nourishes the hair. Walnut oil contains biotin (vitamin B7), potassium, Omega 3, 6 and 9. These elements strengthen the hair follicle, prevent hair loss and treat dandruff. Walnuts also have anti-fungal properties and keep infections at bay.

Nourish the skin. B vitamins along with vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, help fight free radicals caused by stress, reducing wrinkles on the face. Walnut oil nourishes the skin, lightens dark circles under the eyes and relaxes the skin.

Fights type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have shown that a handful of walnuts a day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in women by 30%.

Good for memory and depression. Walnuts are valuable allies of our mental health and keep symptoms of depression at bay. This was demonstrated by a research team from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California. The scientists, coordinated by Professor Leonore Ara, professor in the Department of Biological Chemistry at the American University, came to this conclusion after analyzing the nutritional data of 26 thousand people. Since several previous studies had discovered a positive association between the Mediterranean diet (which includes the consumption of dried fruits) and depression, they decided to directly investigate the effects of walnuts, which are now considered a real cure for the health of the cardiovascular system and conjunctive functions. For this, they presented the participants with a specific nutritional questionnaire (referring to only 1 or 2 days of consumption) and assessed their depressive symptoms over the past two weeks. Among the factors examined during the lack of nut consumption were lack of interest in doing things, difficulty sleeping or drowsiness, fatigue, feeling less energetic, difficulty concentrating, speaking “not normally”, and others. Depression scores were obtained through a questionnaire called NANHES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey). Evaluating all the data, it became clear that those who consumed 24 grams of nuts per day had significantly lower depression scores than others, regardless of influential parameters such as income, age, gender, race, alcohol, body mass index (BMI – body mass index) and more. Surprisingly, the “protective” effect against depressive symptoms was found to be stronger in women (32% versus 20% in men), who are generally more likely to experience depression and consume antidepressant medications. Although a positive relationship was found between walnut consumption and depression, it should be noted that this is a ‘simple’ association study, not a cause-and-effect relationship. Therefore, the results need to be confirmed by further, more detailed investigations. Details of the research have been published in the scientific journal Nutrients.

If you are on a diet, eat nuts.

Walnuts are an excellent dietary source of fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin E, and other antioxidants. Walnuts are high in calories, but if you use them as a meal replacement (the same number of calories), you won't gain weight. 500 calories in walnuts is the same as 500 calories in candy, but walnuts are certainly a healthy choice. A diet rich in walnuts and walnut oil can prepare the body to better withstand stress, scientists at Pennsylvania State University have discovered. They primarily wanted to find out how foods that contain polyunsaturated fats can affect blood pressure during rest and times of stress.